"You know that feeling when you meet someone, your eyes lock, your heart starts beating fast, and you can't breathe? You might be allergic to them."

Hear me out here though, what if there was a platform you could put your random shower ideas on, where someone equally bored out of their mind (or have a ton of money burning a hole in their pocket) swipes through and the platform hooks you up with the next billion-dollar startup partnership?

  • you can register as a dreamer and submit ideas

    • you submit your ideas whenever you get them
    • they have an Elo score which gets updated every time they are swiped on
    • low scoring ideas fall to the bottom and get fewer views or only get viewed by low rated backers and doers
    • you get paid if your ideas are popular or if someone wants to partner
  • you can register as a backer and rate on ideas

    • you swipe through project ideas you would want to back
    • you swipe through doers you would want to hire
    • you have to link your bank accounts to get verified
    • your backer profile is visible to dreamers and doers
    • your previous generosity and success contributes to your backer Elo
  • you can register as a doer and take on ideas

    • you swipe through project ideas you would want to work on
    • you swipe through backers you want to work for
    • your previous success and history contributes to your doer Elo
  • the system matches people together as possible working partnerships

    • this does not necessarily mean that you need a backer and a doer